About Us

Our Story

One of my favorite things to do during school breaks when I was growing up in Kenya was to help my mother fetch cooking fuel, mostly firewood and charcoal. It was a chance for us to bond. But I did not like to be around my mother in the kitchen because of the suffocating smoke that the fuel produced.

My mother passed away in January 2020. Prior to that, the last time I saw her was in October 2019. I didn’t know at the time that it would be our last time together, but I will never forget what she asked of me on our last day: whatever you do, please find a simple way to make a difference in other people’s lives. One afternoon in the summer of 2021, I came across a startling piece of information: that around the world, smoke from domestic fuel causes more premature deaths and illness than malaria and HIV combined. In sub-Saharan Africa, around 900 million people rely on polluting fuels such as wood, charcoal and kerosene for cooking, lighting and heating their homes. Smoke exposure from burning these fuels is the largest environmental cause of global disease, responsible for approximately 3 million premature deaths annually.


I started Sanifu Stoves to help low income African families:

  1. Gain access to affordable, dependable and safe cooking stoves;
  2. Spend less on cooking fuel;
  3. Substantially reduce exposure to household air pollution and save lives; and
  4. Earn more from youth employment opportunities.

Sanifu Stoves is a social enterprise that produces and delivers clean, affordable and dependable cooking stoves to low income African families to help them save on fuel consumption, reduce household air pollution and stay healthy.


To save lives by substantially reducing exposure to household air pollution in low income African families.


To be the most dependable source of cooking fuel for low income African families.

Our Mission

Purus in mollis nunc sed. Lacus suspendisse faucibus.

Our Program

Nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula. Natoq penatibus.

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Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat la facilisi morbi iaculis.

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Ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Magna eget est lorem.

How Sanifu Stoves is Transforming Communities through Youth Empowerment and Health Advocacy


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoke from fuel sources such as charcoal and wood in poorly ventilated dwellings can have levels of pollutants that is 100 times more than the acceptable guidelines.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 1 million poor people die each year because of diseases related to household air pollution. The only way to reduce this mortality rate is to increase access to affordable, safe and reliable methods of cooking.

Sanifu Stoves aims to achieve this goal by producing and delivering clean, affordable and dependable cooking stoves to low income African families.


Sanifu Stoves manufactures clean, efficient and dependable cooking stoves from recycled waste materials and then distributes the stoves to low income African families to enable them to prepare meals in healthier environments. In addition, Sanifu Stoves employs young workers from low income African families to enable them to generate extra income that they can use to improve the quality of their lives.

We help low income African families:

  • Gain access to affordable, reliable and clean cooking stoves;
  • Stay healthier by reducing exposure to dangerous household air pollution;
  • Become economically empowered by creating employment opportunities for young people;
  • Adopt cleaner living practices and gain more awareness about the dangers of household air pollution.

Our work is guided by certain important values:

  • Complete focus on the needs of our customers;
  • Community-based approach to problem solving;
  • Commitment to long lasting solutions;
  • Respect for and conservation of resources;
  • Commitment to hard work;
  • Collective problem-ownership.

As we progress, we intend to impact lives of low income African families by:

  • Distributing as many Sanifu cook stoves as possible;
  • Creating as many employment opportunities as possible;
  • Generating as much fuel savings as possible;
  • Reducing mortality rates attributed to household air pollution by a significant percentage.

Each Sanifu Stove will:

Help each family save as much as $125 in fuel per year.

Reduce household air pollution by 2 tonnes per year.

Create an economic empowerment opportunity for youth in local communities.

Improve the environment through recycling of used waste materials.

Sanifu Stoves is a social enterprise that produces and delivers clean, affordable and dependable cooking stoves to low income African families to help them save on fuel consumption, reduce household air pollution and stay healthy.

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